Thriving & Surviving

We exist to enable survivors of current and historical sexual abuse and incest to live safe lives in which they can recover and thrive.

Together we are stronger







Our aim is for everyone in our community to be able to play a part in spotting the signs of sexual abuse and responding appropriately and safely to them.

To make this possible this we provide expert and engaging training for the local community, charity, education, health, statutory and other sectors.

Within our training we offer:

• The benefit of 30 years of organizational experience.

• Real life stories and case study illustrations.

• Up to date and accurate definitions and myth busting.

• A range of training options to suit individual roles and organisations.

• A safe and confidential space in which to learn.

• Training by practitioners who can answer all your questions.

We can also tailor our training to meet your specific situation and challenges.
Please get in touch with us on 01246 559889 or so we can design something to meet your needs.

sexual abuse awareness

An introduction with opportunity to ask questions

2 hours

– Technical & legal definitions.

– Signs & indicators.

– Impacts.

– Barriers to telling someone.

– Support available.

Suitable for anyone in a community, health, police, education, business or service provider with public contact.

Sexual assault and sexual abuse training

Informing and equipping you to respond to sexual abuse.

1 day

– Technical & legal definitions.

– Scale and scope.

– Myths & realities.

– Signs & indicators.

– Impacts.

– Barriers to telling someone.

– How to respond to disclosures.

– Support available.

Suitable for individuals with front facing public contact, or who have safeguarding responsibilities.

Developing best practice in response to sexual abuse

Enabling you to lead a strong response to sexual abuse in your organisation.

1 day

– Recap of definitions.

– Scale and scope.

– Myths & realities.

– Signs & indicators.

– Impacts.

– Barriers to telling someone.

– Case studies.

– Workshop: cases in your context and building stronger response systems.

– Other support available.

– Further reading.

Suitable for staff, managers and trustees who wish to strengthen current policy and practice.

Partner with us

With 1 in 4 people affected by sexual violence during their lifetime, we face an enormous task and always need help to resource how we meet that need.

We are therefore looking for business, educational and other organisations who might be able to donate time, knowledge and other resources to enable more people to be helped as they fight to recover from the effects of sexual abuse.

At the moment, as well as our usual service provision, we are also planning to create a multi-service hub to further improve the support we provide. Within this we hope to upgrade parts of our building and bring in a wider range of advisory, advocacy and support services for those we serve.

The opportunity for our partners is:

– For your staff to volunteer in support of an important cause, grounded in the local community, with the benefit of raising their motivation levels and leaving them feeling more loyal to you as an employer.

– For your customers and stakeholders to hear about the wider contribution you have made to the community, helping them to see you as not just a service or product provider but as someone they want to stay with and recommend to others.

Currently we are looking for support in the form of:

– Legal advice for our clients.

– Financial donations to support our staff team and other running costs.

– Donations of waste disposal to help with our planned building clear out.

– Painting and decorating volunteers and materials.

– Donations of high quality and appropriate office furniture for our new tenants.

We can offer you and your team the chance to make a real difference to the lives of the people we support, working with a caring and supportive team, with flexibility to suit your capacity and constraints, and a professionally run organisation with the highest level of reputation.

If you think that a one-off or longer term partnership with Sail could be of value to you then please get in touch with us on 01246 559889 or so we can find a way to work together that is positive for you and your team.