Thriving & Surviving
We exist to enable survivors of current and historical sexual abuse and incest to live safe lives in which they can recover and thrive.
Together we are stronger
Sexual Abuse and Incest Line
Male Support Services
Sexual assault can happen to anyone, no matter your age, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Men and boys who have been sexually assaulted or abused may have many of the same feelings and reactions as other survivors of sexual assault, but they may also face some additional challenges because of social attitudes and stereotypes about men and masculinity.
Here at SAIL Derbyshire, we acknowledge, explore and understand the additional challenges and barriers that males may face in accessing support.
We offer a choice of advocacy, group support & one to one therapy as well as a helpline service and dedicated Male support worker.
Males accessing the service have the option of being referred to our Male support worker who can explore practical support with you on a range of areas such as:
- Housing, community connections, relationships, employment, addiction, and recovery.
- Signposting & referrals to other agencies is completed with your agreement to extend your support network and provide further coping techniques and strategies for what you are experiencing.
If you are thinking of reporting to the police, you may be referred to our ISVA service who can provide you with specialist advice and guidance on reporting options and the criminal justice system.
We are also keen to hear your views about the support you are receiving and will periodically offer collaboration with you so that your views and experiences are imbedded in our support delivery across all of our services.
We actively promote equal opportunities and inclusion and are committed to building a service where everyone is valued.
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Male support services