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caN we help?

Talking about your life and feelings can be very frightening, but it can help to break down feelings of isolation, enable you to make sense of the past, and resolve difficult feelings such as anger or guilt.  It can help you to find your own solutions, manage or even overcome your pain.

Individual counselling is available for up to 6 months on a weekly basis; this can be extended if you and your counsellor feel it would be helpful.  Counsellors work in different ways, but all seek to provide the safety and support you need.

How Can We Hep



Not every survivor of childhood sexual, physical or emotional abuse understands the connection between these experiences and the difficulties they may now be experiencing as adults.


Some people find it more difficult to acknowledge the reasons behind their current struggles.

Feelings of depression, low self-esteem, guilt, eating or sleeping disturbances and difficulty trusting people, especially partners, are just some of the ways in which abuse can have a lasting impact on mental wellbeing.

We know that each individual has their own story to tell.

Regardless of how much time has passed since the abuse ended, the physical and emotional distress and fear can still be a very real and intense part of every day life.  It can be extremely hard to admit you have been abused and even more difficult to ask for help.  We understand this and do not expect you to share your experiences unless you are ready.

Is This For Me


do i start?

You can refer yourself to our service or an advocate or someone you can trust can approach us on your behalf.

Other professionals can also refer into the service.

If you would like to ask for a support or simply to find out more, then call our Appointments Line on: 01246 559 889 or Email:

If you want to talk to someone we now have a free dedicated helpline (0800 028 2678) which is manned every weekday (see header for times).  There is also a drop-in service available on those days at the same time.  We also have an email service available on the helpline as well as a text service.


Referral Forms can be found in our Downloads section.

We aim to offer you an initial meeting to discuss your needs and explore what support is right for you within 2 weeks of you contacting us.

If SAIL is not able to provide what you need, then we will try to help you find support from elsewhere.

How Do I Start

keeping you and otherS safe

We understand it takes time to build trust.  Whatever you confide in us will be treated privately and confidentially (except in rare and exceptional circumstances such as when harm to a child is revealed or suspected, or we have concerns for your safety).

We will explain SAIL's full confidentiality policy to you at the initial meeting.  Wherever possible we would talk to you before sharing information.

Keeping Safe


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