Thriving & Surviving

We exist to enable survivors of current and historical sexual abuse and incest to live safe lives in which they can recover and thrive.

Together we are stronger






How we can help

Free Helpline

A confidential first opportunity to be heard, receive some initial advice and be referred to other services should you want them.

Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (IVSA)

Independent and impartial, emotional support and practical advice centred on your needs, your rights and the options that are best for you.


One to one time with a trained counsellor to help you to better understand and recover from your experiences.

Why we exist

SAIL is a registered charity, established in 1992, based in Chesterfield.

We exist to enable survivors of current and historical sexual abuse and incest to live safe lives in which they can recover and thrive.

We are often told that the hardest step for survivors is the first phone call. If you are struggling today, then please get in touch with us so that you can make your first step towards living again.

You can refer yourself to our service, or an advocate, or someone you can trust can approach us on your behalf.

Other professionals can also refer to us.


We are here to help

make an online referral